Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fun times:)

Hunting... JD took me hunting with him this year! It was so much fun but lots of hiking:) I made elk jerky for a week straight when we got home!

JD and I hiked up to where he proposed to me to find the tree where he had carved our initials. It was so cool to see how much bigger and deeper in the tree they had gotten!


  1. Jenn! So cute in camo! You and JD are adorable! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Lets get together soon! Love you!

  2. Ha ha go jenny!! You are a hunting girl! My dad will be so so proud to see these pictures! I hope you had such a fun christmas too. And the headbands have been a huge hit! Everyone has loved them so much!

  3. How fun! I LOVE Elk Jerky. :] YOu guys are just so cute. My gosh, you hottie..
